Thanks, Giving, the Art of Receiving
Mobile: Two Blue
On thanks
“But isn’t this holiday all about giving?” asked rabbit.
“In giving,” replied crow, “you must also be open to receiving.”
Thoughts while making
“Great job!” “Well done!” “You’re awesome!”
If you’re like me, these words enter one ear and then mysteriously vanish.
For long as I can remember, this has been the way.
Compliments, gratitude, even just kind word – all reluctantly accepted, but quickly pushed out, away.
More and more, as I look back to find my way forward, I see where – if I’d accepted these gifts from others, from myself – how different a life lived this might be.
Try this…
Picture someone giving you a genuine compliment or sharing their sincere gratitude for an act or aspect of you.
Imagine reaching out with your hands and ever so softly wrapping your fingers around those words, like you might a baby bird, tenderly, allowing the shape of them to fill your hands, to impress themselves upon your skin, as you accept the gift given.
Take a deep breath as you bring your hands to your heart, letting the words begin to warm you, gently, their import and meaning filling, expanding, moving with a sense of wonder and awe.
Close your eyes as you feel your fingers pressing against your chest, exhaling reluctance, deflection, inhaling the truth of what you’ve received, something alive.
Breathe in again as you silently repeat that gift, those words, accepting them, believing them, embodying them, as they move within you, softening edges, sharpening feeling.
This is the gift. This is the opportunity. This is the beauty of being you, and the treasure found in giving *and* receiving.
Where’s one place you can allow another’s words of love, of gratitude,
truly wash over and through you today?